Stories of Impact - Students

Vineeta, Hisar

मेरा भाई ही मेरी माँ है

एक छोटी उम्र में अपनी माँ को खो देना मानो एक बेल से उसका सहारा छिन जाने जैसा है होता है। अपनी माँ को तीन साल की उम्र में खो चुकी विनीत के परिवार में सिर्फ उसका बड़ा भाई और पिता ही शेष थे, जिन्होंने बहुत कठिन परिस्थियों का सामना करके उसका पालन पोषण किया। विनीत के भाई और पिता ने उसे आम परिवारों की तरह घर के कामो की तरफ धकेलने की जगह हमेशा पढ़ने लिखने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया । उसके भाई का सपना है की विनीत एक दिन आई-आई-टी से इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई करे। यह सपना उसे बहुत कठिन नज़र आ रहा था लेकिन तभी मिशन बुनियाद एक सारथि बनकर विनीत के सामने आया और उसमे चुने जाने से उसका हौसला और भी बुलंद हो गया है। 

उसका कहना है इस प्रोग्राम में अध्यापकों के पढ़ाने का तरीका बहुत अनोखा है जिस से विषय बहुत आसानी से समझ आ जाते हैं।

गणित में रुचि होने के साथ-साथ वो अब विज्ञान भी अच्छे से समझ पा रही है विनीत इस नयी तकनीक के माध्यम से पढाई करने को एक बहुत बड़ी उपलब्धि मानती है और आशा करती है की इस अनूठे प्रोग्राम की मदद लेकर वो एक दिन अपने भाई के सपने को ज़रूर साकार कर दिखाएगी।

Bhoomika, Gurugram

A daughter who wants to share her father’s load of being a bread earner of the house. As this line seems to make everybody feel happy and bring a sense of enthusiasm into the reader, a girl named Bhumika (14 years), from Gurugram, is working hard every day in order to make her dream come true. Bhumika, being a single child, wants to support her father by sharing his load. She witnesses her father, who is a mechanic by profession, carrying the shoulder-breaking weight of his bag, symbolising the hardships and responsibilities he is carrying singlehandedly every day. This situation makes her enthusiastic towards working hard and bagging a job that will support her family’s status. She asserts that, “My father is working very hard each and every day, so I want to become an IAS officer to share his responsibility towards the family.”

Bhumika has a rational mind as well as the potential to achieve something good in her life, hence we wish to support her to achieve her dream career.


                                                              Ritika, Faridabad


               “Being a single mother, she worked really hard to provide for all of us.”

Ritika, a Mission Buniyaad student, shares her life story in which she describes her mother as her ‘source of inspiration.’ She asserts “My father left us when we were very young. So, my mother had to take responsibility of me and my younger sibling. She took care of us singlehandedly and provided us with 3-time meals. She faced the relentless comments of society about being a single mother and even questioned her dignity, but my mother always stoods tall against all these stereotypical images portrayed by the society.
She works very hard, but can only earn a minimum earning, out of which she has to make divisions for my brother’s school fee, monthly rationing and rent. It sometimes become very difficult for us to survive in that earning, but she manages it all. On some days after work, when she gets back home, I can see her tired from all day working, but still, I cannot help her. This situation has made her my role model who motivates me everyday to go out and study hard in order to support her one day.

I want to clear UPSC exam and become an IAS officer. I get motivated by my mother, seeing her work hard everyday. I feel that I have that passion as well as equal motivation to pursue my dream career, as after all ‘I am my mother’s daughter and have inherited her fine qualities’

I recently joined Mission Buniyaad, and I can clearly see my future bright. I was very happy when I came to know that I got selected for Mission Buniyaad, so I made a promise to myself that day itself, that I will study hard in order to fly higher with rainbow colours. Sometimes, in the class I feel that I am a little under confident as I’ve never been to an educational institution where I’d get a chance to move forward and discuss about the doubts, but Mission Buniyaad has come up with that platform for us, where we can discuss our doubts, queries and any difficulty which we are facing. I would like to thank Mission Buniyaad for selecting and supporting me to pursue my dream career.”